Big Oil vs. Life on Earth

Lyrics By: Laurie Rostholder

Tune: Marine Corps Hymn

From the sand dunes down in south Iraq
To the wild Alaskan seas,
We have trashed the earth to pump the oil
Just to fuel our SUV’s.
We have overthrown democracies
To exploit their oil reserves,
Intervened in sovereign nation-states
‘Cause it’s Big Oil that we serve

Mega-profits go to Texaco,
To BP and Exxon, too.
Halliburton, Shell and Conoco,
But the cost is paid by you.

Many lives and many billions spent
Just so profits can be made
By extractive corporations:
Yes, it’s blood for oil we trade.

Yes, it’s blood for oil we trade.

We must turn things ‘round immediately.
Exploitation has to cease.
Build a green and clean economy,
And it must be based on peace.
We reject extractive industries.
Let our planet start to heal!
Give our kids a world that’s livable.
We demand a GREEN NEW DEAL!